If you would like to reserve any of the open spots, please remit your deposit of $500 per person ASAP; Balance due May 1, 2010.
The bookings so far are:
June 5-12: Sweeney group / Herb Guarascio and his son Matt.
4 open spots are available for this week
June 12-19: Hendricks group / Group of 4 from Italy.
0 open spots are available for this week
June 19-26 Kesler / Switzer
0 open spots available for this week
June 26- July 3: Lentz group / Group From Italy
0 open spots available for this week
July 3-10: Adams group
0 open spots available for this week
July 10-17: Victor Kalson and guest
6 open spots available for this week
July 31-August 7: John Simus group, 0 spots available for this week.
August 7-August 14: Rudy group*
*5 DAY TRIP 4 Open spots available for this 5 day week
August 14-21: Newell group
0 Open spots for this week
August 21-28: Kallenberg/Riani/Mich/Brenton/Rothblatt/Schmitt
0 Open spots available for this week
August 28-September 4: Schinivar group / Bill Huelsman and guest
0 Open spots available for this week
September 4-September 11: Horton group
0 Open spots available for this week
September 11-September 18: OPEN FOR BOOKING
September 18-September 25: OPEN FOR BOOKING
It's gonna be a great year!!
And don't forget to get some alumni gear at our online shop! http://www.cafepress.com/monsterpike