Fishing reports, info and updates from Taltson Bay Big Pike Lodge on Great Slave Lake. Trophy pike and trophy walleyes that are unparalleled in both size and numbers by any other fishing destination in North America.
Report for September 2-9, 2006
The weather was as cold...managable winds. The fish cooperated as well. Me and my partner from MN connected on 56 pike over 41" for the week, with a 48" being the best for the boat.
The pattern for the week was weeds when the wind wasn't blowing, rock when it was. Grinders, Rad-dogs took the lions share of the fish in the weeds, were as Bulldawgs ate up fish on the rocks and in the channel at night. And yes I said night. The late evening fishing into night consisted of trolling Bulldawgs on short lines in the river channel. The king of the night blind does well up there after dark. In fact with the full moon week, there were times when the bite wouldn't end until 11:30pm. One night Steve and his partner Rob Kolar finally decided enough was enough and came in at that time. I'm not sure how many trophys Steve's boat came in with for the week, but 45 over 41"s seems about right. The daily big fish pool was won with fish of 48", 47", 47", 46.5", 44", 46.5", 44".
Book your trip for next year! There's alot more big pike to be caught at Taltson Bay Big Pike Lodge! Contact me on our homepage
John Mich
Recent pictures from 2006

John Mich's report for June 2006:
Spring sprung weeks early up in the far north, 4 weeks by some estimates, and we had to battle early weeds...warming waters....a cold front and north winds that dropped the water temp 10 degrees in 2 days...and of course more "skeeters" than I've ever seen in my life.
The first two days of the trip were as I've had and dreamed of. The weather was 65 degrees and the fish were in 3 feet of water. Burning pink, chartruese and firetiger bucktails in 1oz was the key to contacting active and aggressive fish. My partner and I totaled 28 pike 41inches and over those first two days, with my 47" being the big fish of the weekend and for the week as it turned out. Then the bottom dropped out of it.....rain...north winds and more rain dropped the water temps, muddied up the water and turned our positive fish into slumbering giants.
We still did manage trophies during this two day period but they were far and few between. We passed our time fishing for walleye in a 15 foot wide channel called Snuff Creek. We caught numerous walleye to 26 inches with a 28" as the groups biggest. It seemed all they needed was a beatle spin slow rolled and they ate it up. What do I mean by numerous? Well how about 30 in an hour from 18 to 26 inches between me and my bud....with the majority being 22's and 23's!!!
The weather freshened up and the fishing improved the remaining few days, though we didn't get the numbers of biggins as before, but my partner and I did come away with 52 pike 41 inches or greater for the week. And as the week progressed the fish were beginning to move to their more summer spots. Pre-emergent cabbage in 5 to 6 feet of water held fish that most times wouldn't get there till July. Needless to say the weed growth was WAY ahead of schedule. Was it my best trip out of 11 spring trips there? No...but it was at least #6 and still better pike fishing than anywhere on the planet. My best year was 85 pike 41inches and spoiled I am. Hope you enjoy the photos...and when you're ready let me know. Going again in Sept this year!
Welcome to Taltson Bay Big Pike Lodge

Welcome to the Taltson bay Big Pike Lodge photo and reports page.
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